SecurView SV-6909.IR
130° Hanging Style CMOS Camera with Night Vision The SecurView™ SV-6909.IR is your basic entry level commercial camera. If you are looking to simply add a camera that will just show you the image behind your vehicle without any extra features, then the SV-6909.IR will get the job done for you. It uses a high-quality CMOS image sensor and is equipped with night vision for better illumination during night time driving. It also comes with a U-shape hanging bracket to allow the camera to be swiveled up and down to give the driver a better view wherever it is mounted on the vehicle.
- Description
The SecurView™ SV-6909.IR is a hanging style CMOS camera designed for mounting on the back of commercial vehicles like motor homes, buses, semi trucks or delivery trucks. It is a basic commercial camera with a reverse image and night vision to allow the driver to have better illumination during night time driving.
The camera housing is made of a durable die-cast metal alloy to allow it to stand up to the harshest of weather elements. It is mounted to the vehicle using a traditional U-shape mounting bracket which allows the camera to be swiveled downward to give the driver a better viewing angle when it is installed. This style of backed also allows the camera to be mounted right side up or upside down depending not eh chosen mounting location. The SV-6909.IR also comes with a rotating sun shield to keep glaring and reelection out of the camera lens so the driver can always clearing see the image.